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English insan hakları komitesine başvuru ile ilgili prosedür kurallarından biri(hukuki metin)
where the committee decides that a is inadmissible under the protocol it shall as soon as possible communicate its decision,through the secretary-general, to the author of the communication and, where the communication has been transmitted to a state party concerned, to that State party.
communication:başvuru, inadmissible: kabul edilemez, secretary-general: genel sekreterlik, author: dilekçe sahibi,başvurucu, state party: taraf devlet.

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Turkish insan hakları komitesine başvuru ile ilgili prosedür kurallarından biri(hukuki metin)
Source language
English hukuki bir metin
A request addressed to a State party under this rule shall include a statement of the fact that such a request does not imply that any decision has been reached on the question of admissibility.
State party :taraf devlet, the question of admissibility.: kabul edilmezlik konusu, sorunu,

Completed translations
Turkish Hukuki bir metin çevirisi